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Theories of Urbanism & Architecture

Project 1a: Case Study

For this particular task, we are to read Jahn Gehl’s Life Between Buildings (Chapter 1). Subsequently,  examine patterns of social activities in a city which is chosen by our tutor and identify ‘contact points’. Also, through the exercise we are to classify the varying degrees of contact intensity.


For this assignment, we were given Vietnam in which we have chosen the area between Nguyen Pedestrian Street and Lee Loi Street to study on. In a group of 13, we had to produce 2 A3 illustration boards depicting our analysis based on Jan Gehl's text. 

Project 1b: Comparative Analysis Essay

After the previous analysis on the area chosen in Vietnam, the second part of the project requires us to write a comparative analysis essay based on findings from case study (Part 1) and local site research (Studio). We are to examine similarities and dissimilarities based on the patterns of social activities, types of ‘contact points’. And the varying degrees of contact intensity between the two cities.


A comparative analysis essay is a commonly used type of writing assignment where students are require to critically analyze any two subjects, finding and pointing out their similarities and/or dissimilarities. Illustrations, sketches and diagrams should be included to the essay to further explain the content. 

Project 2: Synopsis Writing

Subsequent to each thematic lecture, we are required to submit a synopsis in the form of a reaction paper. Its aim is for the us to read a selected reading in relation to the theme that has been discussed in class for the week and submit a reaction paper to the text. There will be a total to 3 synopses.


A reaction or response paper requires the writer to analyze a text, then develop commentary related to it. It requires thoughtful reading, research and writing. It should identify the key points highlighted in the text and then focus on your personal perspective on issues raised through the text. In addition to your personal perspective, you should identify experiences or insights that have shaped your perspective.

School of Architecture,

Building & Design

Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

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By MinJunn

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