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Building Construction II

Project 1: Skeletal Construction

The first project aims to help us understand skeletal construction better and to be innovative of a skeletal frame after having certain case studies


As such, we have to design a bus stop shelter with skeletal frames that is able to withstand lateral loads as well its live and dead loads.


The project requires a submission of a 1:5 scale version of the bus stop with proper connection of the joints as well as to show proper understanding of the substructure.


As for my group, we have decided to design a bus stop which derives its geometry form from tripods and triangular prism as they prove to have stable structures and is able to withstand great forces.


The bus stop design uses bamboo as its main material to prove that sustainable and eco-friendly materials can also be used for strong structures.


The foundation of the structure consists of pad footing while most of the joints are connecting with bolts and nuts, with lashings as its secondary connection to ensure the members are rigid.

Project 2: Understanding Forces in Building Construction 

Within the second project, we are to fully understand a chosen structure, be it grid or tensile structures. We are to carry out case studies on a chosen building which allows us to understand how the building is constructed and how to loads are supported and directed within the building. 


After carrying out case studies, students are to make a model of the chosen building to allow us to closely understand the building and to allow us to create a mimic of the building that is able to show the direction of loads. 

As for my group, we have chosen to understand a tensile structure which is Rosa Parks Transit Centre which features 7 repeated bays of stretched PTFE fabric by using space frames which are held in compression by steel cables. Each bay features an A-frame, being as the main mast for each to lift all the other members.


This design is abit unusual as compared to other tensile structures and proves to be unique as compared to many.

School of Architecture,

Building & Design

Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

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By MinJunn

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