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Community Service Initiative

CSI | E-Journal

The brief to start off a project for the community started with a few choices of which community and place to target for. From the multiple choices of projects do adopt, my group decided to work on a project that is catered for the animals, due to the interesting targeted group. We started off by looking out for animal shelters that require help, shelters that are not properly maintained and thus requires assistance from the community.


Instead of the occasional Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), we decided to target the nearest Paws Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) as it is less maintained and funded. We felt that it was a need for an intervention from other people to help out at the PAWS animal shelter. Headed to the nearest shelter, located in Ara Damansara, we were eager to have a look at the condition of the animal shelter and the issues that surrounds the shelter, workers and even the animals there.

Entrance to PAWS Animal Shelter and greeted by dogs at the front

Upon arriving, we were greeted by the stench of the animal shelter where about a hundred dogs, some cats and rabbits reside. From the entrance to the dog compounds, we could see that the shelter has insufficient funding to further improve the place. Dogs were crowded in their compounds and were eager to come out of it. The workers there only have a small central area to rest. Cats were in their cages. The whole place seemed like it could get some help from local authorities or even from the community. At the same time, we noticed some posts along their notice boards and realised a few facts about the area.

Compound is run down and requires funding to create a more conducive environment

First, the animal shelter only has limited space and workers to maintain the area and take care of the animals there. If more animals were to be surrendered to the animal shelter, the management will have to humanely put the animals to death if the animal shelter is over-crowded. This is to ensure that the animals there are well-taken care of and not just a place to crowd dogs and cats together. Due to limited number of workers, the maximum number of animals at each time also vary as lesser workers would make it difficult to maintain the area. Noticing that, my group realised the importance of standing out for the animal shelter and to create chances for the community to adopt the animals there.

Notice on surrendering dogs and visitations (left) and staff area in the middle of the compound (right)

Secondly, volunteer programs occur every weekend. Volunteers come by to take the dogs out for a walk, spend time playing with them and at times even feed and clean them. They are required to have a plastic bag with them when taking the dogs out for a walk to pick up their manure, ensuring the cleanliness of the dog trail. Currently, a short and shady dog trail is located right in front of the animal shelter, facing the main road. From these two points, our group realised the need and the main objective our project which is to overcome the problems from these two points.

Dog trail located at the front of the animal shelter

We started our discussion on tackling the issues at the site. We questioned on how we could make the work of the cleaners there easier, on how we could improve the cleanliness of the shelter and even how will we make it easier and more interesting for volunteers to interact with the dogs and cats.  Our group brainstormed on ideas that could be modular and at the same time form a place for dogs to play in while maintaining a clean area. Case studies on furniture related to animals were taken into consideration while also using materials that could be reused or recycled. However, during the same week, we were notified and advised by a guest from Veritas and our own lecturer to design something that would benefit the community there rather than only the animals. As such, a new proposal came to rise.

Initial design proposal of a modular unit

The very initial proposal was to create a modular seating that is made from reused wood. The modular seating caters for both the volunteers and the workers there. As for the volunteers, the units could accommodate more visitors to seat within the shelter and to encourage communication among other volunteers or animal-lovers. Rather than just serving as a seating, the modular units serve as places for them to play with the dogs as wells, creating a small play area. It can even function as a small area to contain the dog before the volunteers leash them and take them out for a walk. As for the workers, these seating serves as a new resting spot that takes over their initial table and chairs that are roughed up. The units even have compartments to store cleaning utensils and dog food.


However, after being reviewed, the design proved to be too bulky as a modular unit to serve as the intended purposes. The bulky design makes it hard to clean and could cause more work for the people there instead of making their life easier. The design calls for a renewed perspective on how a proper furniture serves to improve the life of the community there.

Final design proposal of seating to placed along the dog trail

We decided to look back at our site and figure out about how we should design and who should we design for. With the main point of designing for a community, we broaden our scoped to consider surrounding elements. We noticed the current dog trail lacks seating although still commonly used by volunteers. Realising another trail with large green areas that is set nearby to PAWS animal shelter, our group had an idea for the final proposal.


The final proposal is a design of a bench to be situated along the current dog trail and as well as a newly proposed dog trail. The bench is designed to accommodate up to 2 people to seat on its either side or could even be used as a place for a dog to lie down. The bench serves as a resting spot for volunteers and can even allow the dog to stay put at the place as the volunteer carries out other activities. Made out concrete and wood, the bench is sufficiently heavy to ensure that when a dog is hooked to it, it does not move about. Apart from that, the bench serves to store plastic bags to ensure volunteers have sufficient plastic bags to pick up the dog’s manure and maintain the cleanliness of the trail and area surrounding it.

Drawings along with the materials used to construct the bench

The benches are proposed to be situated along the road that leads to CITTA mall, starting from the point nearest to PAWS. To create an area not just for the volunteers but for the surrounding community too. Along the road leading to CITTA mall are residential areas that have easy connection to the proposed bench areas. These would allow the residences to bring their dogs out to use the trail or could even just be a small park. These steps help to rejuvenate the large blank area. As the benches are placed together, it could create areas of communal meet ups or even just be an area that volunteers could sit around together and just chatter away. Apart from that, being said that is close to CITTA mall, the area could be used as a temporary booth for PAWS management to create an awareness campaign. This could attract shoppers and nearby residences, allowing the voice of PAWS to be heard.

Proposed new dog trail along with the expected activities

Our group went back to the animal shelter once more with our final proposal to interview the volunteers there regarding the idea proposed by my group. During our interviews, the issue of not having seats were clearly shown as some of the volunteers were sitting on the pathway. Immediately, we went up to them with our idea and it was agreed by them as it is something beneficial. It could be a small change to the area but it can make a big impact. Other volunteers and staff were impressed with the idea as it could draw more people and volunteers to the shelter, creating chances for adoption or even to just bring the dogs out for a walk.

Interview session with the volunteers at the site

The final outcome of the proposal is as below and based on my perspective, I feel that the project would succeed and be beneficial to the surrounding community due to the lack of a commune area within the vicinity of the area. In time to come, the trees along the proposed trail would grow and create more shadier areas to allow the place to be conducive for activities.

Final Presentation Board

Scaled model of 1:5 along with its original materials

Overview video presentation of the project

School of Architecture,

Building & Design

Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

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By MinJunn

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